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the most beautiful girls I've ever seen

Starter: tommorowneverknows Posted: 13 years ago Views: 85.7K
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Lvl 21
thank you for the post!
Lvl 14
5 stars from me. Thank you!
Lvl 67
The two in post #6 get my attention . And the beauty in post #10, pic 1 is a knockout
Lvl 5
They are beautiful girls in dreamy poses. I'd love to see more. 5*

However, if you post photos with the expectation that everyone will love you for it, you are sure to be disappointed.
Lvl 12
Originally posted by profopuss

They are beautiful girls in dreamy poses. I'd love to see more. 5*

However, if you post photos with the expectation that everyone will love you for it, you are sure to be disappointed.

I don't have such problems...

But, in those pics there are some gorgeous young ladies, and many pepole just focus onthe pubic hair issue. With or without it these girls are great!
Lvl 12
Lvl 12
Lvl 12
i will have more soon...
Lvl 10
Sorry, Not into pubic hair, or other body hair, Girls are OK prefer them smooth
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Jsmooth111

Sorry, Not into pubic hair, or other body hair, Girls are OK prefer them smooth

They don't have all of them pubic hair...
Lvl 12
Lvl 12
Lvl 13
You, Sir, have an eye for women that I enjoy very much. We have similar tastes!
Lvl 27
So how long have you been blind?
Lvl 12
Originally posted by Spidey_

So how long have you been blind?

Some people don't see a girl, they just focus on if she has pubic hair or not... which is not tha ipmortant anyway if she is a godess...)

More coming soon...
Lvl 3
Lvl 12
Lvl 7
To the tool that wrote "fail" go F yourself Asshole. YOu dont like it, dont look you fucking tool. I thank you sir, I love hairy pussy!
Lvl 7
Lvl 12
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