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Sophie & Sandra flashing in public

Starter: Mr_BBQ Posted: 19 years ago Views: 49.7K
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Lvl 12
wohha nice thread , hot stuff
Lvl 29
very nice!!
Lvl 18
I'm happy you all like it. That's how it looked like when the pics were shot.
Lvl 27
Sophie Sweet and Sandra Shine

Lets say renata = sophie real name

Pics made in Austria.....

Really nice!
Fuck yea BBQ...oh FUCK YEA...They're hott, got more? I've never seen them before, what's a matter with me
Lvl 34
nice girls

i have seen so much girls flashing in germany,why do they that when im not on the place
Lvl 11
Originally posted by Mr_BBQ

I'm happy you all like it. That's how it looked like when the pics were shot.

SHIT!!! now everyone knows what i look like
Lvl 18
Awesome thread Mr_BBQ - where'd you find the pics?
Lvl 8
nice post, hot hot girls
Lvl 13
Hot stuff
Lvl 12
great pics. THNKS
Lvl 11
months ago i uploaded one of those pics to the a rating some where in the range of 6...seeems like everyone loves those girls now. go figure...

thanks for the pics i didn't have the whole set, only a few
Lvl 16
Those pics are taken in Vienna, Austria
Lvl 16
oh someone else already said it
Lvl 16
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