Score: 4.00 Votes: 4
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Shay Mitchell Nudes

Starter: kingsman Posted: 6 years ago Views: 3.7K
Lvl 30
Cute girl from Pretty Little Liars, but have to say after seeing all her Instagrams, FB posts, SnapChats, magazine articles/covers, I can say they are heavily edited and photoshopped as her body does not look half as good here on the beach as it does in all the above. Unless she let herself go in the last few months and is heavily retaining water from nonstop partying and drinking (which is very possible) or she is knocked up 3months or so, she is not at all lean and fit, she looks very portly here. That said, I would still hit it. A solid 6!
Lvl 30
vegas365 finds this awesome.
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shultz, challenger08, vegas365 find this awesome.
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challenger08 finds this awesome.
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challenger08 finds this awesome.
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Lvl 8
Now, THAT is a pancake ass!
F1098 finds this awesome.
I love what I saw.
dogdude finds this awesome.
Lvl 8
I think she looks like an actual woman who isn't posing for a camera.
dogdude, realwilo, [Deleted], shultz find this awesome.