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sarah palin is hot

Starter: leon2006 Posted: 16 years ago Views: 9.8K
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Lvl 13
you comapre that male monkey to sara?!

Lvl 14
I'd like to have a 3 way with her and the SNL chick! Hell, throw in the mentioned porno chick too as long as I'm dreaming!
Lvl 24
Hot body cold mind..
Originally posted by leon2006

you comapre that male monkey to sara?!

They may not be alike in looks, but yes, I don't think either are attractive. In a few months when all the election furore has died down, no-one will think twice about her (Sarah). And Amy Winehouse will probably be dead if she keeps up the habit.
Lvl 13
actully palin will run in 2012,that is what people say.
Originally posted by leon2006

actully palin will run in 2012,that is what people say.

ok, well we'll no doubt have a few years without her either way. I can understand why some people DO like her, she's just not for me.
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