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PVC - Anyone interested?

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 11 years ago Views: 6.1K
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I came across this stuff on some old CDs that I have. Not sure if they would be of interest to anyone on here, but if the are, then let me know and I will post more of them - there are lots!

Lvl 28
Whooo Weee, I'll bet that makes for one sweaty night.
Lvl 28
sexy pics
So, no takers?
Really nice pic Would love to see more
Lvl 20
I would love to see more as well!!
Lvl 5
MMMM wife likes PVC
Lvl 13
Yes. P L E E E Z E???
* This post has been modified : 11 years ago
Lvl 13
My ex loves it too.
Here we go, then:

Alana in black skirt:










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