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Michelle Keegan~British Actress~Coronation Street

Starter: HarleyXLH Posted: 15 years ago Views: 3.6K
Lvl 29
First time Ive seen her to my knowledge and she is a hotty TY
Lvl 9
I think she would look better nude...
Lvl 26
She has beautiful body!
Lvl 24
seen her on the telly loads never realised her tits were that big,have to look harder
Lvl 59

We have a winner.
Lvl 18
DAMN! Unbelievably hot from top to bottom. Nice post, never heard of her before.

That face is just too damn cute.
Lvl 28
I watch Coronation Street.....

Maybe I'm the only

Nice post by the way.
Lvl 12
she is HOT
Lvl 14
OMG I'm in love
Lvl 7
nice, now where's the part 2 pics..