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Happy Mother's Day - Famous Babes Style!

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 16 years ago Views: 6.7K
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Lvl 59
Ok, I figured I'd make a Happy Mother's Day thread 1) for the mothers and 2) to add a quality post to the famous babes instead of the usual crap that gets added.

On with the show:

1) Hipster MILF: Gwen Stefani
Age: 39
Number Of Kids: 1

No doubt Gwen is like the coolest Mom ever. She's probably the only MILF on this list that understands the need for new kicks and wallet-busting denim on the regular. It's like if we could marry Pharrell and it wouldn't be weird.

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2)Cartoon MILF: Liane Cartman
Age: 32
# Of Children: 1 son

The mother of South Park’s Eric Cartman might look like your typical quaint Colorado housewife, but there’s a major freak hiding under that blue sweater. Getting down with this former Crack Whore magazine cover girl would be an experience to remember—just ask the 1989 Denver Broncos.

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3)Possible First MILF: Michelle Obama
Age: 44
# of Children: 2

Sure, her marriage seems solid, but the pressures of the White House will put a strain on any relationship. We’re putting it out there: if Barack’s punk ass ever tries to Lewinsky her, we’ll be waiting on that 3 a.m. phone call, ready to tear that Jackie O. suit off and treat her right.

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4) At-Risk MILF: Kate Moss
Age: 30
# Of Children: 1

Oh dude, whatever—mom or not, a few sporadic coke binges here and there never hurt anyone...right? Okay, we're just making excuses because she’s still one of the hottest model-chicks in the game. Don't even get us started on that bad attitude—that's all it takes to get us in a good mood!

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5) Hip-Hop MILF: Yo-Yo
Age: 36
# of Children: 2

Back when she was down with Ice Cube, Yo-Yo’s around-the-way girl good looks made her one of AmeriKKKa’s most wanted. But 15 years later, she’s all grown up into her new role as the classy, in control host on ego trip’s Miss Rap Supreme. Make way for the motherlode!

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6) GILF: Raquel Welch
Age: 67
# of Children: 2

Typically, 60 is our cougar cut-off age. But this 1960s sexual icon is still going strong, building up some thickness that we never expected. This is why we’re bestowing the rare title of “Grandma I’d Like To Fuck” upon her. Menopause be damned!

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7) MILF: Tina Fey
Age: 37
# of Children: 1

With the success of 30 Rock and Baby Mama, Tina is no longer our secret, nerdy object of awkward lust. No matter: we still have visions of fogging up her glasses while she snorts at our corny, mid-thrust jokes. Besides, she created MILF Island, for God’s sake. We definitely want to hit that

Lvl 13
i like mother day know
Lvl 59
8) Porn MILF: Asia Carrera
Age: 34
# of Children: 2

This O.G. porn star/MENSA member fueled our fantasies throughout the ’90s with classic flicks like Bangkok Booberella and Encino Housewife Hookers. These days, she’s retired from porn, living the quiet life with her kids, so it’s probably been a while since she’s gotten down. Luckily, bukkake is like riding a bike.

Lvl 30
Good stuff, EL, and a fine tribute to Mother's Day. Ty. 5 *****
Lvl 59
9) Daytime MILF: Kelly Ripa
Age: 38
# of Children: 3
[my note: Holy shit, she's 38!? Damn does she look good for being 38.]

Besides being sexy and funny, Kells and isn’t afraid to put girly-man Clay Aiken and mainly-woman Rosie O’Donnell in their places. She’s tough, but still exudes that “I’ll bring the oranges to the soccer game next week!” sweetness, and we love her for it.

* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 13
she has allways be hot
Lvl 59
10) Neglected MILF: Deb Gotti
Age: 42
# Of Children: 3

How dare you Irv, going out boning half of NYC’s hoodrats and leaving your sexy-voiced wife Deb home to raise Sonny, JJ and Angie. We’d gladly take care of you Deb; just promise us you’ll never bring DMX’s atrocious looking wife around the crib for brunch.

*kind of difficult finding pictures of her, so the last pic is of ashanti.

Lvl 11
holy shit. I didn't know asia was a mom.
Lvl 59
11) Reality MILF: Kris Jenner
Age: 53
# Of Children: 6

Kim Kardashian's mom is the quintessential "if you catch me home alone, spit a small amount of G and we'll get to smashing with the quickness" mommy. She's into materialistic things, but we have a pearl necklace with her name on it for Mother's Day.

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12) Gold Medal MILF: Kristi Yamaguchi
Age: 37
# Of Children: 2

Being a good dancer is often equated with being good in the sack, and well, have you seen Kristy on "Dancing With The Stars" lately? The Olympic Gold medalist-turned-dancing queen triple-axeled her way right back into our hearts this year.

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12) Superhero MILF: Silk Spectre
Age: 45
# of Children: 1

After all those years of fighting crime and being the beard for her gay husband Hooded Justice, this Watchmen superheroine probably has a lot of pent up sexual energy. Forget the hatin' ass Keene Act—we need this fiery redhead to show up at our crib in her tight yellow uniform, ready for action.

*Editor's (me) Note: Malina Kerman has been cast to play spectre in a movie, so here's her picture:
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12) Neo-Con MILF: Elisabeth Hasselbeck
Age: 31
# Of Children: 2

We’re not sure if this right-winged bombshell is really hot, or if the rest of the dogs on The View just make her look that much better. Her political views might be skewed a bit, but at least we already know she’s always up for talking Dick….Cheney.

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13) Fashionista MILF: Kimora Lee Simmons
Age: 30
# Of Children: 2

Over 10 years after Russell scooped her off the runway, we still can't get this six foot tall amazon mom off our mind. With or without the extra baby fat that always seems to fluxuate, we'd still like to get a quickie behind the curtain, backstage at a one of her runway shows while she handles her business and barks orders at the frightened young models.

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14) Miss America MILF: Vanessa Williams
Age: 45
# of kids: 4

Beauty queens look good, but they’re usually too stuck up to let loose. That’s why this triple threat (model, singer, actress) still has the crown in our minds. On one hand, she’s evolved into a graceful woman who cleans up at the NAACP Image Awards (above). On the other hand, she was pictured in Penthouse with another woman going down on her. If that ain’t the best of both worlds, we don’t know what is.

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