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girls and their video games

Starter: nightmare1 Posted: 14 years ago Views: 13.0K
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Lvl 14

Lvl 14
a couple more I've found here and there

Lvl 14

Lvl 4
Jesus, I don't know where to begin. 1,000 thank yous
Lvl 9
great work done. thanx
Lvl 28
Originally posted by dyhart

omg that suicide girl! wow!

oh yeah someone said you rarely see games and girls together a few posts back. I was on the other day and the poll was "are you male or female" I think like 5% were female.

Today a lot of people play games, even a lot of girls. But I personally think it's still mostly males. Hence naked girls + games = a strong selling point. That's why you see it on membership sites, drawing in people interested in games, not because the girls in the pictures may or may not like games.
Lvl 26
Excellent updates!!!
Lvl 14
Thanks everyone here's some more to keep things going!

Lvl 5
I love playing games. Sometimes we'll play where the loser has to offer up sexual favours. I'm always worse! So he gets to have me strip as he wins. However - I tend to win in the end...a little bit of distraction always seems to put him off (blow jobs, spreading my legs etc!!!!).
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