Score: 4.32 Votes: 75
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Fit Chicks, with Abz and Muscles and things.

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 14 years ago Views: 68.4K
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Lvl 40
Nice job!
Some of these chicks need to lay off the performance enhancers, don't they care about having a dick
Lvl 28
This stuff is a shame in my opinion. Nothing wrong with fitness, but most of these are ugly IMHO. There's a great looking trainer at a local gym who's into the fitness comp's, and she just took 2 weeks off for a boob job. Said she couldn't win without them. That's a downright shame. She was just about perfect as she was.

"Most" was inaccurate. It's about 50-50.
Lvl 12
some looks great but some have clits like small dicks.....steroids monster
Lvl 59
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Lvl 59
So here's some chick whose name is apparently Kelly Kelly. Anyway, she's got the body type to go in this thread:

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