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Starter: Delphis Posted: 13 years ago Views: 4.1K
Lvl 4
Ok...for those who were waiting for these, here they are... All the pics that "I" could find on CalliSky. Just a recap... CalliSky is or were a College Hottie who had her own website at CalliSky dot com. Don't try to go there because the site is no longer up. Like a typical college girl with her own website, she only used it to get money for college. Why she stopped... no one knows. It could either be she graduated and no longer needed the site to breaking up with boyfriend who actually ran the site. Take your pick. I have over 200 pics of her so it's going to be long. Zipped file link for these pics will be at the end of the last post I make. So, for no further wait... here they are:

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Now for the zipped file ------->

If anybody have pics of her that I don't have....feel free to post them.
Lvl 17
Holy fuck she's stunning! I had one of her pics in my favs but it's not there any more, guess I know why now!

Did she ever show her pussy?
Well she's amazing. She should get that site back up.
Lvl 4
I have no ideal if she did complete nude shots or not. Never found any and I've never been a member of her site. Didn't know she existed when she was up. Also found out she did once had a MySpace account but that too is gone.
Lvl 26
She is gorgeous!!!
Lvl 13
holy fap
Lvl 29

Lvl 9
great share my man, thanks !