Yeh, there was this tremendous' Thud!"..but then she rose from the "dead" again! Amazing Girl in that respect..
Hmmmm. at the risk of being hypocritical, on the one hand we all like to look at hot chicks. But then, increasingly chicks think this sort of behaviour is the norm. We see their web cam action, hand held semi nude/nude self-shots, but one day it will be our daughters watching this stuff and thinking it's the norm, or worse, that it's necessary to be popular.
thank you there's something about crazy chicks that is just hot
googoodolls37 16 years ago
sweet pics of britney!..thanks for sharing
I can see them and I would still fuck the shit out of her..
son of a.. is it cos i is using firefox?
i wana see me sum brit tit ney!
I don't know anything about firefox? Or why it wouldn't be working for ya.
They are there... not the hottest piece of flesh but still nice britney review.thanks m8.
dude, i dont care. i would still fuck her. lol
She's made a stunning comeback from the trainwreck that was her life a while back, as illustrated in some of these pics.
She's buff again, with killer abs...She still has the goods to look fabulous...she may be starting to care again about how she looks and how she is perceived by the world...She's run th' gamut of teen tease, to super star, to slutty tramp, to out-of-control human trainwreck, to unfit parent, to damaged goods...and now perhaps she's coming full circle back to a performer worth paying attention to..she's shown us everything (an' I do mean everything) she's got more than once...and she has a lot to be ashamed and embarassed about...but only time can tell if she can rise to the top again...
is there a link i could click?
throw me a frickin bone here!