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Bikini Porn- Best Collection

Starter: nasazarada Posted: 12 years ago Views: 7.9K
Lvl 5
Lvl 5
* This post has been modified by bustMall : 12 years ago
Lvl 5
Lvl 28
Lvl 28

Nice looking girls.

I can't figure out how to clean up your thumbs, nor why a couple of them appear as if hotlinked, but to post the above picture, all I did was click your thumb, then click the picture, then copy the pic URL, and paste the URL into the pop-up window that appears when you click "Insert Image" under the "Advanced Reply" tab. The text used to post it here looks like this (without any spaced)
[ img ] http :/ / .jpg [ /img ]

With the space gone, instead of text, you'll have:

If you get the URL of the picture location, and paste it into the "insert image" tool found under the "advanced reply" button, it will clean up your posts. You can practice the hotlinking here:

But if you hotlink, do not include more than 3 pics per post.
Lvl 28
... and while I'm wasting my time trying to read the blitz formation, Demo picks off the pass and returns it for a TD....

SHIT!!! I'm too stupid to be a mod.

I think your thumbnail submissions will look just fine from now on.
Lvl 27
Boots bust from the crew...

*puts up a now hiring sign*

Ahh! I stand corrected then, Thanks for clearing that up.
Lvl 5
Lvl 17
Lvl 5
Lvl 5
Lvl 17
Lvl 5
Lvl 28
Whew, that last one is delicious
Lvl 5
Lvl 5