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Audrina Partridge (From MTV's Hills) nudie pics

Starter: EricLindros Posted: 16 years ago Views: 4.0K
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Lvl 59
So, apparently this chick from MTV's "The Hills" took some test shots to try to get into Playboy. Well, they didn't want her, but the internet did.


I can't hotlink them because right-clicking has been disabled on that site, and I don't feel like wandering through my cache to try to find where the pics have been just go there and see her lovely fake boobies and nipples and whatnot.
Lvl 59
Oh, NVM about my inability to link them. Fixed that.

Lvl 23
Very very very nice!!!
Lvl 9
Nice pics, especially the......whatnot
Lvl 3
I never was really into this chick, I'm still not that excited, but she has bigger tits than I would have thought. NOW, if ANYONE has nakey pictures of Lauren Conrad, I would want to see those,lol, i probably would pay to see them in fact.
Lvl 8
^^ i agree hands down
Lvl 11
Nice find.
Lvl 15
Gorgeous girl
Lvl 59
Judging by my nipplometer, I'd guess that water to be fairly chilly.
Lvl 11
Lvl 21
Good find, dude.
Lvl 21
Are we sure they're real?

She is sooo nice though!
Lvl 29
WOWie!!! nice.....any pics w/o the watermark tho?

In a statement made through her rep, Audrina tells TMZ "I took these photos years ago when I was just out of high school and beginning to model. I was young and very trusting of others and I didn't know to protect myself. It is a lesson learned, for myself, and hopefully for the young girls who look up to me."
* This post has been modified : 16 years ago
Lvl 15
Originally posted by lilrika
I was young and very trusting of others and I didn't know to protect myself. It is a lesson learned, for myself, and hopefully for the young girls who look up to me."

HAAHHAAHA what crap ..... your old enough to take your clothes off and make/potentially make money from it your old enough to know the concequence's.

Not that im complaining tho, thats a mighty tidy young poppet . Thanx for the share
Lvl 11
who can find the full set? I've been trying... Anyone else want to try?
Lvl 59
Originally posted by lilrika

WOWie!!! nice.....any pics w/o the watermark tho?

Nah, I haven't seen any, but give it a few days, I'm sure they'll pop up.

BTW, it's dumb for her to even act ashamed or embarrassed seeing as she took these photos IN AN ATTEMPT TO GET INTO PLAYBOY MAGAZINE. I bet she's just upset because the story has gotten out that they turned her down.
Lvl 16
Pretty girl , though her boob job is comparable to Mr. Garrisons .
Lvl 8
few more... enjoy... (yes they are real.. duh)

Lvl 11
Damn imagebeaver has deleted the pics!! Did anyone get the chance to save them to their computer?
Lvl 8
i have all of them and new ones but i don't know how to fucking upload them on this damn forum. every time i put the link it gives me this bullshit [ URL greylisted - Awaiting moderation ]
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