show some tits
* This post has been modified
: 19 years ago
Originally posted by I_Am_Canadian
she is ALL my type.
Originally posted by MrDude
Let's face it dudes...... The golden days of Ye Olde MetallicA have long past. I listened to then like fifteen years ago. . Now those cats are old, balding and certainly no longer "Metal" Lars seems to have forgotten how to operate a double kick pedal. . Jaymz is a great big mess singing. err. . whining over light shitty music about his addiction to booze.. . and Kirk.. Well. . he'd rather be off reading comic books somewhere... Trujillio had his moment in Suicidal Tendencies and Infectious Grooves... They are no longer metal monsters of yore.. sorry.. If you want real metal go find some real metal like @ the gates or Dissection
Originally posted by SpeeDeaThrash
Metallica fans who respect everything they've done for metal, well, they aren't fare weather fans!
My non offensive rebuttel