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Paris hilton xxx vid?

Starter: M4Dn355 Posted: 20 years ago Views: 28.5K
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Lvl 12
If it's not her, it's a good hoax. Here's another cap showing her face--well, kinda showing it. She looks a little green around the gills.
Lvl 22
I don't know if it's her or not. Interesting viewing though.
Lvl 13
Hmm it's not playing on my media player...
Lvl 12
It sure looks like her to me.
Lvl 22
i just can't see anything that looks like paris, it could be me
not my type
Lvl 12
Our posts crossed paths. Look at the pic right above your post.
Lvl 22
jup i see, true if you show it like this then i say yes she does look, i am trying to get a complet releas but not much progres
Lvl 22
ooh yeh btw look this:
Lvl 13
The link you posted KIMATRIX, is fake. In that video its some fat guy screwing that chick and PARIS doesnt have a tatoo around her arm like that girl does.
Lvl 12
Kimatrix's link has been debunked as Krystal Steal.
Lvl 22
you are write but i just cam acrose the link thought i would share
Lvl 22
Paris.Hilton.Sex.Video.VCD-iND this should be the real releas that is releasd on the internet. i am trying to get it but something happend otherwise i would have it (sorry for that)
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 22
hum i just hear something that this: Paris.Hilton.Sex.Video.VCD-iND is a sample, like the one that is already posten, only much better qwality (it's 30mb) i am uploading it now for you guys.

I heard that the whole movie should be 8 cd's damn if that's true then it's sick man
Lvl 22
hum the host i just wanted to up is ded but if have a host wher i can up it to i would be glad to do it, but just to remind you it's the same shit that is already been posted before me, this is onlye the better qwality of it (30mb).

Paris.Hilton.Sex.Video.VCD-iND was nuked 3x by *** - reason:

You see only sample still waiting for the whole movie
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 22
lol read this:

Well, it's happened: our deeply buried source has sent us a copy of the allegedly purported "maybe it is and maybe it isn't but it sure looks like it could be and besides our sources are reputable" "Paris Hilton sex tape".

The entire .wmv file (odious format, btw) is much too large to post here, but here are a few blow-by-blow observations:

· The video is shot in what looks like military night vision, reminding us spookily of all that footage from the first Gulf War.
· "Paris" seems to be enjoying herself. She clearly loves the camera: her eyes glint like a hungry cat's, and she's giving her partner that Bridget Fonda-esque, naughty half-smile look of satisfaction (or too much Red Bull and vodka consumption) throughout.
· The gentleman caller in the video is surprisingly handsome, especially by amateur porn standards. Nicely hung, too.
· Positions involved include standard missionary, doggie style, and cowgirl.
· The video ends with the aforeblogged oral action, but alas, no money shot. Maybe that'll surface in another file. (Amateur sex acts spread out across multiple files and email attachments—now there's a hallmark of the new digital pornography.)

Stay tuned.

Lvl 12

Where did you find the better quality version (Paris.Hilton.Sex.Video.VCD-iND)? I have been looking through Kazaa and Dc++, but i can't seem to find it
Lvl 14
Lvl 14
This could be the same version already posted, but here it is, anyway:
I got it from
Lvl 13
Wish it was better.
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