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movie acceptance time frame?

Starter: star.lord Posted: 4 years ago Views: 1.7K
Lvl 5
how long do movies take to get accepted? asking for a friend
RadBuddyDude finds this awesome.
Lvl 5
so.....VERY long it seems
Patriotpride16t finds this awesome.
Lvl 5
unkless your name is tightfist99....ho hum...time to upload elsewher?
Lvl 75
It can take quite a while - I’m not sure how large the queue is at present but I think there is only 1-2 moderators that have to go through all the uploads. I imagine the movie queue works the same as the image queue, which is in chronological order, so your uploads will be moderated eventually.
Lvl 5
WTF...the movies are filled with tightfist movies!! what gives? what a scam! i got movies sitting in that queu for is REALLY on the decline