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Looking for - Old WBW Movie

Starter: [Deleted] Posted: 15 years ago Views: 2.7K
Before I give up my search of this movie, I figured I'd try posting a help request here hoping someone remembers this file since it was here that I found it a few years back (lost the clip in HDD crash).

Firstly, the screen cap provided by the download page was very memorable because the camera was placed on the floor of a carpeted living room inches away from a tennis shoe - the shoe took up a good part of the screen for a decent amount of time at the start. The couple has some crazy hot sex right there on the floor among shoes and childrens' toys. Also a memorable clip in that the girl shouted and moaned the name of her partner "Tom" many times, very loudly. Was possibly the best video I've ever seen on here, but it's so old that I'm wondering if it was deleted or just lost in the depths of the movie section. I first found the vid when I joined here some 3 years ago, so it wasn't a recent upload.

Thanks to any help!
Lvl 12
remember that 1 too..was damn good
Lvl 14
The video should be some where here in the archives provided the OP didn't break one of the rules and post something Pro or Watermarked.
Yea, I've been slowly going back through the archives from 2005-2006. No go yet.
Lvl 11
None of these match your description completely, but here goes anyway...
Thanks brownell, but none of them are it. These are deep back in the archive. I originally found the file in the summer of '06, so the were from before then.
Lvl 14
This video your looking for does ring a bell vaguely but I would know where to start looking with the title from the original thread.
It wasn't a thread which I found it in, I found it in the babe movie gallery. Just having a bitch of a time finding it.