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Homemade: Ex-husband's revenge sex videos - Threesome (with lesbian strap-on).

Starter: flea999 Posted: 17 years ago Views: 2.9K
Lvl 2
There's a bit of a story behind this video (allegedly). The husband who shot and starred in these clips found out his (goth) wife was cheating, and uploaded these vids to a torrent site for revenge. She responded on her myspace page that he was a lousy lay, yada yada yada (though her vocalizations would suggest otherwise). Whether this is true or not, it's still a *great* amateur video.

Anyway, the first clip is divided into four parts (they all play separately) and runs for two and a half hours. It features straight sex and lesbian strap-on sex with a female friend of the young couple.

This is as real as it gets. The second clip is just a straight sex video of the man and wife. (I've avoided using real names).

Clip 1, part 1 (9:14, 27 MB):

Clip 1, part 2 (1:25:03, 284 MB):

Clip 1, part 3 (36:45, 121 MB):

Clip 1, part 4 (14:58, 48 MB):

Clip 2 (23:16, 71 MB):
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Lvl 14
Ty for the share but I'll have to pass on this one.
Lvl 30
Well, I didn't pass. Thoroughly enjoyed the lot. Rated a 5 * Ty for the share.
Lvl 26
This is exactly why I love wbw... Great vid!
Lvl 8
I have to agree with OP. This is as real as it gets.