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hi. here's some videos

Starter: ®TheCoolerKing Posted: 19 years ago Views: 234.4K
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Lvl 13
Lvl 23
what are you posting? screenshot please?
Lvl 13
the first one a chick in a red skirt, second is a blonde flashing, and third is webcam chick showing the 'ol brown eye.
Lvl 12
Thanks a lot for all these great Vids.
Lvl 18
Great vids, guys - special thanks to ®TheCoolerKing for starting the thread and posting a HUGE amount of clips
Lvl 9
Great Thread. And I too would like to thank ®TheCoolerKing for the effort he has put into this thread.
Lvl 7
Hey everyone, I'm new to posting, so I figured I'd start off with a some small clips. Sorry they are so short... I have 5 of her, and one of another girl.
Lvl 7
another 2/5
Lvl 7
Lvl 7
4/6.....I found another
Lvl 7
Lvl 7
Lvl 7
heres a screenshot for the next one... It wont show up???
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 7
Lvl 7
here we go, screen shot for MVC-104V
Lvl 15
so many cool vids, so little time....Thanks
Lvl 11
Why cant I see the videos, when downloaded them, thee dont get unpacked. It requires a disc or something to get unpacked..anybody?
Lvl 23
you need winrar. search for .rar or winrar on these forums for a tutorial
Lvl 11
Pardon my ignorance, but, what do I use to play .rar files?
Lvl 11
you don't play .rar files, .rar is a compression extension like .zip. you need to extract the files before you can play them. download winrar and use that to extract the files
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