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go ahead and shoot me, but i need help!

Starter: zooropa4 Posted: 19 years ago Views: 1.3K
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Lvl 11
I have massive amounts of video that are too big to post here. Can anyone suggest a way for me to split the video into smaller files to post here? Ive searched for "video splitting" but nothing came up. Thanks! The sooner I get help, the sooner I can post!
Lvl 13
Like you, I have shitloads of video on CD. There's a probably a better way to do it then this, but I'd use Adobe Premiere to cut up the files, just rendering small sections that total no more than a megabyte a file, so *anyone* could see them once uploaded to WBW. Of course, I've never done this because I just don't have that kinda time. So, hopefully there'a software application could do this much quicker and simpler.

Try and see what they have.
Lvl 18
won't winrar do this?
Lvl 13
Yeah, he could simply encode them into seperate smaller files. I was trying to explain a way to upload the files so they'd be immediately viewable upon clicking them for downloading.
Lvl 15
why we'd want to shoot you?
Lvl 18
i was just guessing cecil, i've never done either of the two, maybe i should mess around with winrar later
Lvl 21
why we'd want to shoot you?

For sport.
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 18
Lvl 17
I think winrar is the better option, because there is always a short pause when the video player software switches to the next clip, no matter what it is that you use.
Lvl 21
Unless the movie is about 650MB in size.
Lvl 15
a real easy way to cut the movies up would be with winrar

step 1 install winwar
step 2 go to the dir where the film is in right click on the film select add to archive
this will bring up winrar
step 3 under archive format select rar,under compression method select store, under
split to volumes select put this number 1,000,000 that would make rars 1mb in

hope this helps you
Lvl 13
Yeah the bigger the file (which would be true in my case) the longer it'll take to break'em down.
Lvl 15
damn you guys type fast
Lvl 18
Yeah the bigger the file (which would be true in my case)

You're a big file?
Lvl 21
Make sure to set the volume size to 1000KB, and the naming scheme to New Style (filename.partXX.rar)
Lvl 11
thanks guys! and why shoot me? because im sure this question has been asked before, but i couldnt find anything on it. Ill get to work now and post my results here!
Lvl 21
:: loads snipe rifle ::

I'll give you to the count of 10. Get running.
Lvl 11
hopefully this works part 1 of 10
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 11
part 2
Lvl 11
part 3
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