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Girls i recorded on webcam

Starter: supersyz Posted: 17 years ago Views: 278.3K
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Lvl 9
Originally posted by belugaxx

mmmm nice work!

Thnx man and cheers for taking the time to reply, i will post more later for you
Lvl 9
Lady who was very very shy about showing but we got there in the end
Lvl 9
Little asian lady who at the start was shy but not the end lol
* This post has been modified : 17 years ago
Excellent post! If I could only get my wife to comply, I would love to share her...
But seriously, we both love the posts; especially in that they show real people just having fun (sex)
Lvl 9
Originally posted by ratlab12

Excellent post! If I could only get my wife to comply, I would love to share her...
But seriously, we both love the posts; especially in that they show real people just having fun (sex)

WOW somebody who understands why i like recordings webcams soo much, its all about viewing somebody who is enjoying it and doing it for the horn not money etc

Thnx for the message man and feel free to cam with me and my gf sometime if your partner is up for that.
Lvl 9
Could somebody help me make my aviator as im not too good with things like that, i want a pic of Lenny Mclean (The Guvnor) i dont mid any pic of him with or without SUPERSYZ over the top.

Would be very gratful for the help and i would make it worth your while promise
Lvl 9
Ok this woman looked ok till she got naked lol but still a long funny recording, lets make her famous
Lvl 9
Cute lady plays on webcam for hubby then plays with him, nice long video
Lvl 6
webcam webcam girl Yeah
Lvl 6
You Sir are a genius. I haven't gotten through a quarter of what you've posted- so many damn hotties. a couple oinkers too. Way to represent. I'm sure everyone can find a few favs amongst your captures. I've found a few new favorites myself, and I've been watching cams since cams were invented. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing!! Please continue.
A truly impressed individual here.
Lvl 5
i don't' suppose you have one of a girl whose handle wz dallasdance or naturzone?
Lvl 9
Originally posted by MAN_of_GROGG

You Sir are a genius. I haven't gotten through a quarter of what you've posted- so many damn hotties. a couple oinkers too. Way to represent. I'm sure everyone can find a few favs amongst your captures. I've found a few new favorites myself, and I've been watching cams since cams were invented. Thank you SO MUCH for sharing!! Please continue.
A truly impressed individual here.

Thnx man and ye hopefully theres something for every1 in my thread and even if the girls isnt that hot its still funnty watching them get super horny hehe.
Lvl 29
50 limit post reached

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