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Flashing and/or fucking the plumber/electrician/et cetera [Amateur]

Starter: Andromalic Posted: 10 years ago Views: 3.3K
Lvl 8
Post up any amateur or amateur-like videos of ladies fucking plumbers, electricians, carpenters et cetera.

Basically any video where a lady sets up a video camera and exposes herself to, touches, teases or fucks someone who she invited over.
Lvl 8
Video links were deleted by mods...

So since I can not directly link to the videos, I will link to another post on another website.
Purely to give an example of what content I'm referring to.

* This post has been modified by SydneySinbad : 10 years ago
Lvl 8
So how do you even post movies on WBW then?


Nothing with website names? bullshit

Find me equivalents of those movies that aren't watermarked...

Screw this, I'm gonna go make my own forum with blackjack and hookers.

Actually, screw the forum!

But seriously, how do you guys have any content at all if you can't have watermarked material?
Videos have to be of an amateur nature only. If there is a watermark...chances are that its not amateur.
Lvl 8
Originally posted by Sugarpie
Videos have to be of an amateur nature only. If there is a watermark...chances are that its not amateur.

I'm not convinced any of the things I posted were professional models, they were however watermarked.
Lvl 8

If I can't get any help directly on WBW then I'll just link to another post elsewhere.

No posting links in here, but if anyone has any video titles to search for, keywords, websites or just any help furthering my search for content like this I would love to hear it.
Ummm yeah...I saw your examples on reddit, and if you believe those are real and not staged, then I have to ask if you still believe in santa too.
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