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flash/webcam/oops/beach vids + pics

Starter: sputnik31 Posted: 20 years ago Views: 11.8K
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Lvl 12
it's all there on

Found the site on another forum, and it's the best i've seen in a while. Not professional, just a hobbyist. Go there now. Radboud Universiteit
* This post has been modified : 19 years ago
Lvl 12
Sorry mate it does not work
Lvl 29
Nice link. Thanks, bud!!
Lvl 33
thanks for the link, but they do not look like flash, webcam oops or so vids.
Lvl 33
BE CAREFUL! in some of the links are viruses !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lvl 12
no webcam?


and: viruses? I didnt see any...?
Lvl 13
i got a couple viruses
Lvl 12
what do you mean with virussus? and in which files then?
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 18
my norton went crazy
Lvl 12
Lvl 22
My Norton went crazy too. Mozilla threw up an untrusted site message. People be carful looks like its full of spyware or at least a dialer.
Lvl 13
waaahhh run, the viruses are coming to get us!! waaahh!!
Lvl 12
sputnik31 u r a prick posting a site with dialers and viruses
Lvl 12
thanks for the link
Lvl 12
You only get a link to dialer if a link is broken, so if you know which link it is mail it to me and then i'll fix it.
Lvl 12
unknown hero, it's nonsense. I never get virus warnings. And the site belongs to erikjan79, by the way. It may have a few broken links, but everything's working. The site is a goldmine, in my view...
Lvl 22
Give us the link then. Coz what im getting aint no gold mine
Lvl 12
Awesome site, I thank you from the bottom of my hard for posting it.
Lvl 12
I know the problem now, if you are from the UK, you get a dialer download, i don't know which countries you get this more, but only US and Netherlands are totally free of everything...
Lvl 12
Good site, no problems here. I run Zone Alarm if that matters
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