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Starter: goxxex Posted: 16 years ago Views: 3.9K
Lvl 21
Lvl 20
What's the deal with Cuckolding? Why do they dress like girls and what's the fascination with inter-racial sex?

I mean a little kink is fine and if someone gets off on watching their girl fuck another dude, super. But seriously, the wearing panties and it having to be a black guy always seemed to me to be signs of other issues above and beyond a little kink.

Can anyone enlighten me?
Lvl 18
did she die in the middle then suddenly resurrect?

That vid was just weird. "Choke me". I don't get some fetishes.
Lvl 30
Originally posted by Tarquin

What's the deal with Cuckolding? Why do they dress like girls and what's the fascination with inter-racial sex?

I mean a little kink is fine and if someone gets off on watching their girl fuck another dude, super. But seriously, the wearing panties and it having to be a black guy always seemed to me to be signs of other issues above and beyond a little kink.

Can anyone enlighten me?

A cuckold is a married man with an adulterous wife. Due to the word's original meaning, a man who is unwittingly raising another man's child, it refers to a man who is unaware of his victimization. Because of this association, it is one of the few masculine specific words in the English language without a feminine counterpart. In current usage it sometimes refers to non-married couples in committed relationships, although this is not the traditional meaning. A man who knows and acquiesced in his wife’s taking of another lover was called a wittol, itself a derivation from the Middle English for "witting (as in knowing) cuckold."

Ty for the share goxxex.
Lvl 14
Lol. You beat me to it SydneySinbad.
Lvl 2
One of my fetishes is to watch my wife with another dude,my wife is not interested, but I really think its hot....and by the way, there is differnet kinds of cuckolds, the ones that dress up like women are called "sissy cuckolds", Im a cuckold that just watches two people screw,I would never dress up, Cuckolding is like watching a porno in person....
Lvl 20
I know the origins of the term. I just don't understand the modern act.

Stroker, thanks for the insight. I wish more people had the courage to post. I'm genuinely curious about the nature of this kind of stuff.
Lvl 6
this video is crazy. 5*
Lvl 21
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