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Crazy Chick

Starter: reno_tango Posted: 17 years ago Views: 4.2K
Lvl 9
This is a new one to me. Actually 4 video collection. All short videos of this crazy chick trying to get her ex bf to call her and come over to have some fun. She shows him the goodies he is missing so it appears the guy posts her vids on the internet instead of putting up with her crazy shit anymore.

Each vid will play separately. I tried to put them together in one video using Movie Maker but it didn't like flv files. You can play the vids using VLC without any problem. They are all only about 1mb each, short but very sweet. You don't want to miss this crazy chick and the dialog is good as she tells him she really wants him in her pussy and ass.
Lvl 9
screen shots

Lvl 7
very nice ty. .. just the kind of the vids I love. my favourite!
Lvl 7
nice i like
Lvl 13
this prove that women are more crazy then men.

thanks for sharing mate.
Lvl 9
Yeah, she's crazy but the vids are really great. She is really selling herself to this guy! I love it. I wish some hot bad would try that with me.
Lvl 11
Looking the way she does I'm not surprised that guy didn't take the offer. :x
Lvl 12
which Program to open the *.flv - files ??
many Thanks
Lvl 19
flv player:>
Lvl 29
Originally posted by peterpaul

which Program to open the *.flv - files ??
many Thanks

Media Player Classic
Lvl 51
hot and crazy girl ... thx reno