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christina model

Starter: goldorak Posted: 20 years ago Views: 8.9K
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Lvl 18
fighter: The copywritten pics are OK because they are hotlinked using IMG tags. As long as they haven't been put on WBW's server, all is good.
Lvl 12
does anyone have any zips, or know of any sites that might have gingermodel on them?

Thanks in advance..........Here's a pic of her...........
Lvl 12
Sorry about no pic. Not sure why it won't post. I tried using attach file, but it didn't post.
Lvl 12
Well I'll be damn............There it is..........
Lvl 12
Here's the new ones fellas...enjoy
Lvl 12
when comes out, i may never go outside again
Lvl 11
Why oh why lord!!!! she needs em out!
Lvl 13
I've been waiting patiently for that series myself. God that's a hot outfit!
Lvl 11
i rememeber when that dancing clip was posted...bad dance, yes...big tits, YES. Went lookin for freebies at her site ( and found no vids, UNTIL, i went to the STORE section, where you can DL a bunch of clips. Not great, but better than nothing. I'm probably restating the obvious but thought maybe it might help! (and the same goes for most of the girls she links)
Lvl 11
I dunno...this is the first I've seen of her in over a year. I used to belong to a newsgroup that posted old pics of her (2-3 years back) and she was very pretty. Now she just looks trashy and ugly to me.

Huge tits though!
Lvl 13
that's probably due to the fake tan she has now. That's my biggest strike against her as well. She's kinda orange. I wonder why considering she lives in Florida, I don't see a reason for it, unless she's afraid of UV rays, cancer and wrinkles.
Lvl 13
god that girl has huge tits!!!!!!
Lvl 14
well, i HAD a good pic posted but someone deleted it.......

edit: i edited my anger at WBW. I'll explain later
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 11
Personally, I cant stand big droopers like hers. Plus the big silver dollar nipples do nothing for me. If they were as big as hers, rather firm with nice tight nips, then I'd hit it, but for a young girl (she's not 30 yet right?) they're too droopy.

Amazing thing is her ass hasn't gotten huge yet.

For a while I thought most of his models were "dancers", but I don't see the tell-tale knee bruises on them.
Lvl 12
Well those pics you've been waiting for are out today.
Lvl 12
Lvl 12
heres one where it is possible to ignore the bad dancing
Lvl 30
Does this girl have a face? I sure haven't seen it yet.
* This post has been modified : 20 years ago
Lvl 30
Someone said she is pretty. What does her face look like? and oh so
Lvl 12
The new freebies
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