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Brazilian goddess, Mary Alexendra

Starter: mrfister Posted: 20 years ago Views: 2.0K
Lvl 12
Anyone have any movies of the Brazilian goddess by the name of Mary Alexendra?

Some amazing pictures were recently posted through

Lvl 13
too much enhancement.
Lvl 12
I, actually, rather like the "enhancements"

Lvl 13
gawd her ass is gorgeous.
Lvl 21
Here is 17 pictures of this brazilian goddess. And I'd have to agree, she is gorgeous.
Lvl 33
she is really hot! thanks for sharing!
Lvl 12
Thanks Sphtman for the pics! A google search doesn't turn up much, but it does indicate she is an "actress".

So where (and what) are her movies?

Maybe she's a "stage" actress? Classically trained in Shakespearian theater?

Inquiring minds need to know...

Lvl 17
I wonder what she looked like before all the surgery.
Lvl 14
They're all actresses. You pay for the performance one way or another.