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anyone into bangbus?

Starter: zeroproject Posted: 21 years ago Views: 2.9K
Lvl 12
I'm trying to collect the full series..
I just skip the porn... the funniest things happen before and when they push the girl out of the car without her money and say the famous "hey dude let's have ribs".

sanchez kicks ass
Lvl 12
thats lame dude
Lvl 12
they are bad as hell
Lvl 14
it's all an act..models are a low..low..low..budget movie
Lvl 12
true they are payid and they are not funny
Lvl 13
na i dont think they are paid
porn stars are notorios for being bad acters

yea bangbus rocks
ive got an account there
Lvl 14
Just because they're paid doesn't mean they're a star. Regardless, I don't really care too much for Bangbus -- I prefer some of the other stuff made by that group.
Lvl 13
it always seems very realy to me anyway
Lvl 12
Once I tryed to contact them to send a girl I know ..just to see her ass fucked by a total stranger
Lvl 13
there are a whole bunch of those so called "reality" porn sites out there now, never could really get into them though.

as far as porn goes I dont really watch alot of it, I like watching web-cam posts by girls, or girls with their boyfriends, but I dont really like watching porn, I think its because all the actresses all look to fake, and they try to act.

the one thing I can say about the reality porn though is at least they have real looking women.
They ARE sctors and they ARE paid...
If you follow those links they have from BangBus.Com you can find the SAME models on the other pages...
And with different names and also "found on the street"...
Lvl 13
bangbus was good for a hot second... but in the end, there is just one vid that did that is a keepsake. Everything else I can live without.

(Unfortunately, it is on my home computer and I have to wait for someone to get home to turn on my computer so I can upload it here. When that happens, I will post).