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Amazing blowjob from a friend (we weren't even dating!)

Starter: karmatic Posted: 16 years ago Views: 5.3K
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Lvl 3
I used to hang out with this really naughty girl and on a couple occasions we decided to put my cock in her mouth. Once we even filmed it and now you can see how much fun we had. Let me know how you like it!

*please do not use Rapidshare as a pic host*
* This post has been modified by lilrika : 16 years ago
Lvl 3
Once it gets posted, I promise you'll love it. I also promise that it's 100% amateur and 100% me so I know it's original.

Hang tight!!
Lvl 17
Out of curiosity, how long does it take for a link to be un-greylisted usually?
Lvl 32
I see vid caps, almost there...
Lvl 14
I need friends like that
Lvl 19
Out of curiousity, and maybe I'm just reading this wrong, But if you received said blow job, how come your profile says you're female?
Lvl 9
Originally posted by CatBack

Out of curiousity, and maybe I'm just reading this wrong, But if you received said blow job, how come your profile says you're female?

yeah i was definitely wondering the same thing....
looks like it is a halfway decent vid though
Lvl 14
Originally posted by CatBack

Out of curiousity, and maybe I'm just reading this wrong, But if you received said blow job, how come your profile says you're female?

Strange that we are all wondering the same thing! Maybe someone should look into that!
Lvl 30
Yes, do a mirror trick, and look into it. I personally think it is just a mix-up or play on words, all is genuine.
Lvl 24
Lvl 25
Originally posted by CatBack

Out of curiousity, and maybe I'm just reading this wrong, But if you received said blow job, how come your profile says you're female?

Lvl 8
... im all kinds of confused...
Lvl 24
Who cares if its a freaking hermaphrodite? Its a good vid.
Lvl 30
^^ Yes, totally agree. Also enjoyed the vid clip. Rated a 5 *****
Lvl 24
well on a serious note, jillian looks like she has some awesome ta-tas
Lvl 12
The he/she is lying.

"Found Amateur DVD"
Which means he stole it from somewhere and is claiming to have been the one filming it! Lovely, a double trap.
Lvl 25
Originally posted by DukeTheNuke

The he/she is lying.

[ Link ]

"Found Amateur DVD"
Which means he stole it from somewhere and is claiming to have been the one filming it! Lovely, a double trap.

the same guy/gal uploaded it. Sometimes Mods change the movie titles.

I don't think this is proof he/she is lying
Right or wrong , its a good vid . I like it . Thx to the uploader
Lvl 3
Sorry about the gender thing? I don't know why it was set to female. I could prove it's really me in the video by giving you her myspace/friendster and all that but it's not important. I'm just glad I'm NOT lying because she was a lot of fun.

Thanks for the good replies!
Lvl 3
I don't get why people bullshit like this...I don't see what possible motive someone would have for inventing a story when posting up a vid. But it seems to happen regularly. It these kinda mooks that upload all the same kinda BS on p2p networks...geez. Someone please enlighten me - whats the point?
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