Lvl 11
sludgemann 12 years ago
I dare someone to cut you off in that thing!
Lvl 8
Neonzero 13 years ago
It would not fit in my garage
[Deleted] 14 years ago
I bet it pisses off the neighbors.
Lvl 14
tcobb36 15 years ago
Holy shit, it's the batmobile!
Lvl 27
monster1805 15 years ago
What a monster
[Deleted] 15 years ago
Wouldn't you feel like the shit driving that around?
Lvl 8
Xlax 15 years ago
only decent american made vehicle
Lvl 6
memmnock 16 years ago
what the hell is it lol
Lvl 5
gnu1202 16 years ago
How does this really exist?
Lvl 8
bob_the_blob 16 years ago
i think it looks like something of a baby between a lambo from the eighties and a Humvee...
...and i mean this in the most positive way!
[Deleted] 16 years ago
That's cooler than the folks with the Halo Warthog!
Lvl 11
wise-guy 16 years ago
You could have any lady you want
Lvl 13
facey 16 years ago
Hybrid!? Bwahaha!
Lvl 5
mechakong 16 years ago
I wonder if it is a Hybrid
Lvl 21
groezel 16 years ago
doesn't really looks like the place bruce wayne would hang out usually...
...unless he's stopping by to see an old aunt or somethin' like that?
Lvl 8
Juniorâ„¢ 16 years ago
Damn, thats cool

Where can i get me one of those
Lvl 6
panchovilla81 16 years ago
look this thing up on I saw it there a while back and the guy has a whole forum about how he made it... it's 100% the real deal and made by some guy in his garage!
Lvl 10
Strichnine 16 years ago
that shit is so ridiculous. I would love to see how well that drives.

I love that damn car! The new batman movies are so much better than those Tim Burton/Joel Shoemacher pieces of shit.
Lvl 12
flump 16 years ago
and that is the bat tumbler, not the bat mobile.
Lvl 54
Snozz_69 16 years ago
Look`s cool
Lvl 21
JSteel 16 years ago
Lvl 59
EricLindros 16 years ago
Originally posted by Tricky420

how the hell does someone have hte Batman car? thats baller.


hella baller
Lvl 6
sessionpartner 16 years ago
How cool is that! Can you imagine leaving for work in the morning and your neighbor has the batmobile parked in their driveway. HA
Lvl 6
Tricky420 16 years ago
how the hell does someone have hte Batman car? thats baller.
Lvl 27
kewlbreeze 16 years ago
WTF Pretty kewl
Lvl 10
mrlancelot 16 years ago
More shots needed!
Lvl 17
Night_Stalker 16 years ago
That thing is so beast!
Lvl 19
CatBack 16 years ago
Best neighbors ever
Lvl 14
daytona1990 16 years ago
Is this one of the Tumblers from the set of the movie or did someone just weld a bunch of sheetmetal together?
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Published 16 years ago
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Category WTF? - WTF
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