WTF? Trike
Lvl 10
wampers74 9 years ago
Originally posted by gdagg
v8 twin turbo, hope its diesel!!

it is ... prolly a 500+hp CAT

looks to me like he cut half of the truckframe off and started with it , since truckframes usually are straight all the way thru and the same along the length it shouldn't be hard to retro fit that hood and turn it around like that. Still an impressive feat though i give them that.

i wonder what that thing weighs ? i image it's heavier then a midsize sedan....
Lvl 22
Notech_The_Abbot 9 years ago
A Big Ass V-8 diesel w/twin turbos
As an AWESOME trike!!!
Lvl 3
gdagg 9 years ago
v8 twin turbo, hope its diesel!!
Lvl 13
Knobstock 9 years ago
It's a motorcycle trike, isn't it?
Lvl 19
mayanatsumeman0813 9 years ago
This one has me stumped... I just know big truck parts are involved...
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Published 9 years ago
Uploaded by cuttinitup
Dimensions 960 660
Category WTF? - Trike
Views 926
Comments 5