WTF? Fiat
Lvl 8
eldiabel 18 years ago
I thought, that p after model number in the old fiats was polish idea and suggested, that the car was made in Poland.
Fiat 125p was made in Poland and it was named 125p, not 1300.
The car on the photo is 126p.

If i'm wrong about "p" after model number, please PM me.
Lvl 21
groezel 18 years ago
fiat is italian but they make also fiats in argentina and poland, the 125p is an argetine sedan like the 1300 in europe and the 126/127 are the 121p for poland...
Lvl 13
Sbafalune 18 years ago
it seems fiat 126, i never hear of a fiat 121...
Lvl 9
Neckbreaker 18 years ago
i think thats a fiat 121p the so called polski fiat
Lvl 10
DragonHunter 19 years ago
nice painting but the car
Lvl 21
groezel 19 years ago
rusty car...
painting really brings you to rust...
Lvl 10
D_Z_I_U_B_A_S 19 years ago
good and beauty pictures
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Published 19 years ago
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Dimensions 640 480
Category WTF? - Fiat
Views 1097
Comments 7