Wrecked Cars Porsche
Lvl 32
Memphis. 19 years ago
Lvl 9
maquereautin 19 years ago
wow, it looks so much better. Take heed porche!! this could be the new design you have been looking for for the 911, Boxter, and Correra!! God knows you cant design a new car. On a more serious note, I drove a Ferrari 328 over the summer, and the owner of the car (dad's cousin's husband) told me that unlike porches of the 80s, the 328's engain didnt hang over the back, causing it to spin out if you let off the gas going around a hard curve. Ferrari all the way!!!
[Deleted] 19 years ago
just done gone fucked up boy
Lvl 5
kingnidge 19 years ago
someones right foot was buried just a little too far into that tight right bend
Lvl 11
Fuxo0 19 years ago
LoL that is one big pice of shit now...
Lvl 9
cronos62695 19 years ago
bring it to poland, we could fix it
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Published 19 years ago
Uploaded by CorpseGrinder
Dimensions 640 480
Category Wrecked Cars - Porsche
Views 2109
Comments 6