Wrecked Cars Others
Lvl 6
maccamc 19 years ago
Could be the bridge hit the truck!
Lvl 2
Wyrm1983 19 years ago
that's not a "service plate", it's called a Fifth Wheel... I'm a driver... but ya, he could have been going pretty fast as those are rated for at least 160,000 pounds, and if his load is light, that's a lot of speed before he could equal that amount of force/weight.... just thought I'd let ya know.. lol
Lvl 28
FATHERTIME 19 years ago
How did the tractor get fucked up if he just hit a low bridge???No matter how hard you hit a bridge with a truck, i've never seen one colapse, plus it looks like a expressway and that should'nt have a low bridge !!!
[Deleted] 20 years ago
well so much for 3 day guarentee, he probaly wasn't going to fast cuz the King Pin looks to be still hooked to the service plate, in lamons terms, the trucks still hooked up to the trailer, but how did the brdge collapse??????????? lmao some one just lost alot of money for that one
[Deleted] 20 years ago
well so much for 3 day guarentee, he probaly wasn't going to fast cuz the King Pin looks to be still hooked to the service plate, in lamons terms, the trucks still hooked up to the trailer, but how did the brdge collapse??????????? lamo some one just lost alot of money for that one
Lvl 11
boot 20 years ago
wonder how fast he was going when he got the sudden stop

could have been ejected from that
Lvl 21
groezel 20 years ago
now that's a bad start of the day...
Lvl 13
dsavdd 20 years ago
I have seen this happen in my town before.
Lvl 11
ucancallm3sir 20 years ago
i didnt do it..
Lvl 12
HitTheHaze 20 years ago
u gotta wonder how the bridge Collasped tho
Lvl 12
DownTownDaddy 20 years ago
I couldn't help but notice....a pink truck?
Lvl 12
ShAsTa 20 years ago
that's what i call a crash
Lvl 12
BIGBOOMER 20 years ago
That has to just suck.
Lvl 19
Hemi 21 years ago
Low bridge!
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Published 21 years ago
Uploaded by silly_slamher
Dimensions 900 439
Category Wrecked Cars - Others
Views 2750
Comments 14