Wrecked Cars Others
Lvl 32
Memphis. 19 years ago
woman cant drive
Lvl 12
Wojt 19 years ago
I can feel that pain even in front of my computer
Lvl 12
Animal_ab 19 years ago
that must have hurt...
Lvl 12
fludentac 20 years ago
But the tree is still standing....
[Deleted] 20 years ago
how in the heck did that happen?
Lvl 21
groezel 20 years ago
Tornado or just "bad luck"?

Lvl 11
RUMPUS 20 years ago
wtf how did that happend???
Lvl 17
uebrprvrt 21 years ago
Well, it's wrecked, all right.
Lvl 14
arez27 21 years ago
a woman was driving?
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Published 21 years ago
Uploaded by yxan
Dimensions 424 278
Category Wrecked Cars - Others
Views 2961
Comments 9