Wrecked Cars Ford
[Deleted] 15 years ago
scary if it was a real crash.
Lvl 13
SCi 18 years ago
O M F G... Denmark has no maker... its an AMERICAN CAR.. FORD.. gezz.. I don't know where this happened.. I would like to know where the dude who said it happened in denmark got hi's source from.. I've only seen the pic on the internet.. never in the news.. but danish people drive like shit.. so its proberly from denmark =P
Lvl 17
Psyche 18 years ago
knew this one for a long time
Lvl 10
stangbudd 19 years ago
its an escort
Lvl 9
xfidel 19 years ago
escort cabrio
Lvl 11
zibby 20 years ago
It wasnt a beamer for two very obvious reasons..... one the tires are fucking puny...... two the exahust system on a beamer would drop out with the engine upon impact!!!! i have no fucking clue what it was..... but it sure as hell wasnt a beamer!!
Lvl 11
m.k.s26 20 years ago
it is not a b,w it is a ford escort
Lvl 11
z0ney 20 years ago
its a danish car so it cant be by a tornado..
Lvl 12
tiboska 20 years ago
totally dick head
Lvl 16
wbw71 20 years ago
This is totally staged, you can see the rope holding the door up.I think it looks like a car after being throw a few miles by a tornado somewhere in kansas.
Lvl 12
=MACHINE= 21 years ago
thats one strong ass tree
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Published 21 years ago
Uploaded by Hemi
Dimensions 599 437
Category Wrecked Cars - Ford
Views 4051
Comments 11