Toyota Supra
Lvl 21
groezel 18 years ago
cool burn out!
Lvl 12
Ziggy13 20 years ago
i wish my car could do that
Lvl 12
Maxxt 21 years ago
all the cars that have ever been in the GIS movies have all been borrowed. And in GIS4 the corvette is driven by a woman. RESPECT
Lvl 12
cpbarnet 21 years ago
I have seen it IRL! :P I'm from sweden!! Yeah!!! :P That isn't the GIS2 Supra. The GIS2 Supra has spoiler in the front and carrbonhood. But it is the same tires :P Sorry boys I have a picture of the real Supra!
Lvl 12
yxan 21 years ago
Yes it is the supra from GIS2, lovle isent it Swedish CAR of course
Lvl 12
Passanger 21 years ago
inst this the supra from getaway from stockholm?
Lvl 15
Dagon 21 years ago
yea i love these cars!

Rice boilers with power!
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Published 21 years ago
Uploaded by chatte36
Dimensions 640 480
Category Toyota - Supra
Views 2126
Comments 7