Toyota Celica
Lvl 13
[Sic] 19 years ago
it says celica on the front. i dunno if it is a rc or cs version now it says its a st182 which is the standard gtr version, not the st185 which is the gtfour turboed and the rc was a turboed. if it wasnt 94 it would be pretty close to it. probably the last year before they moved to the next version the st 205
Lvl 7
yardax 19 years ago
Isnt it a 93' either an rc or a cs depending on which country you are in. note the vent in the bonnet rather than the scoop as this version has a charge cooler instead of the air to air intercooler
Lvl 14
DirtyJR 19 years ago
Its a 90 or 91, after that, they changed the body style again, its got the same lines as my 90 GTS, but I want THAT hood!
Lvl 12
Jocc 19 years ago
No it's not a 94. It says "TOYOTA" in the front and by the time that model was produced they changed to the toyota emblem. I don't know when but it was definatly long before 94.
Lvl 13
[Sic] 19 years ago
Its a RC version dunno when they released id say about 94
Lvl 14
DirtyJR 19 years ago
Where'd you get that hood? Its SICK! Is that a 90's model?
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Published 19 years ago
Uploaded by SilverShadow
Dimensions 631 473
Category Toyota - Celica
Views 763
Comments 6