Porsche 356
Lvl 9
seifertpdx 17 years ago
Nice photo, what did you do to it? It looks stretched, I like it better than the original car!
Lvl 21
groezel 18 years ago
these are porsches as porsches were meant to be...
not those new ones that you just pronounce "posh"...
Lvl 12
eCh0 21 years ago
I agree too. The new ones are cool, but I'd much rather own a classic like this. The new ones are just too commom, and you can just bye them at a Porche dealer. Ahh...this one you got to dig up from some old guy or collector....
Lvl 18
klasurban 21 years ago
the older ones are much better i think
Lvl 12
Passanger 21 years ago
I agree with xyan having a newone is something ppl can achieve having a classic one is... elite
Lvl 17
uebrprvrt 21 years ago
A classic and looks like it's in a very nice shape. Love it.
Lvl 13
thewhoisit 21 years ago
I like the older ones but I like to be diff. that is why I drive a 944 Turbo
Lvl 12
yxan 21 years ago
yeee the new are fine to, but hey i rather go around in a Classic 356 then a 911 that everybody have
Lvl 12
w00ot 21 years ago
nice but i prefer the new ones...
Lvl 12
yxan 21 years ago
Aaaa a Porsche 356 now thats a car, ps my fathers had one, but that was 30years ago, a red one
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Published 21 years ago
Uploaded by z7ArChAnGeL7z
Dimensions 640 480
Category Porsche - 356
Views 1949
Comments 10