Pontiac Firebird
Lvl 32
Memphis. 18 years ago
firebirds are still good
Lvl 10
SpeeDeaThrash 19 years ago
I had to buy a red nose to replace my white one... That's how many red Birds there are, and likely Camaros as well.
Wish it was the other way around...White is an easier color to repaint! haha
I'll have pics of mine soon, or heck, goto Thirdgen.Org and look in the 'vert section!!
-Bill S.
Lvl 19
Lobotomy 19 years ago
I had a firebird just like that one....well except mine didn't have the chrome rims, oh or the nice tires or the ram induction and red paint wasn't as shiny. But other then that it was exactly the same. [IMG]http://instagiber.net/smiliesdotcom/contrib/geno/rofl.gif[/IMG]
Lvl 18
Mr.Poop 20 years ago
ram induction
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Published 21 years ago
Uploaded by Hemi
Dimensions 575 324
Category Pontiac - Firebird
Views 911
Comments 4