Official  Vehicles Police
Lvl 2
kaboom133 17 years ago
Bet I could lose him in the twisties
Lvl 22
Bongsquad 17 years ago
Look at the lightbar! totally doesn't belong
Lvl 8
3000gt_rob 18 years ago
i could take him
Lvl 13
vampireshark41 19 years ago
The Vacaville, Ca police dept has/had one of those. They used it fore thier D.A.R.E. vehicle. For those of you who don't know, that is the "Dare, to keep kids off drugs" task force in the satates, I don't know if that is anywhere else.
Lvl 12
HondaFour 19 years ago
It's the one from Cannonball Run...!
Lvl 11
Miphte 19 years ago
I'm gonna b a cop 2 drive in that
Lvl 14
hormone_harry 19 years ago
its a countach, not a diablo.
Lvl 12
JustPete 19 years ago
That's a late '80's, early '90's pic...
Lvl 3
ShaitanB 19 years ago
Lvl 10
chrismcb 19 years ago
cool....needs a more areodynamic light bar thou,,,,looks like a box on top of that car
Lvl 11
++speed++freak+ 20 years ago
Gald never speeded when this was around i would have no chance of getting away!
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Published 20 years ago
Uploaded by m0rpihus
Dimensions 400 153
Category Official Vehicles - Police
Views 1655
Comments 11