Nissan S-Cargo
Lvl 48
avalon888 9 years ago
I have one in new Zealand, 12000 made at pike factory in japan, 1989-1990. one designers perfect town delivery vehicle . so many amazing features, futon seating for comfort ,long light doors ease of entry ,flat dash for writing ,electric back door. and many more. quick 1500cc auto.
s- cargo= escargot, french for snail.
Lvl 9
chimera_male 17 years ago
Looks like something out of the film "Robots"
avalon888 finds this awesome.
Lvl 11
shadow2007ca 18 years ago
ive got the chitty chitty bang bang song stuck in my head now
avalon888 finds this awesome.
Lvl 9
Neckbreaker 18 years ago
funny, never seen...
avalon888 finds this awesome.
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Published 18 years ago
Uploaded by groezel
Dimensions 953 772
Category Nissan - S-Cargo
Views 888
Comments 4