FSO Polonez
Lvl 8
awesometastic 17 years ago
is fso owned by renault?
i don't think so, but could be wrong...
and i learned that fso has nothing to do with renault...
it's a polish car manufacturer that made cars right after WWII to get the polish economy goin', at first they produced some gaz's (ugly, but reliable russians)
then the big breakthrough came with the syrena and off course the 125p, the polski fiat...
this was an "improved" fiat, as far as such a thing could work
more of that here:
Lvl 10
harriedharry 18 years ago
Who was crazy enough to buy a Renault ambulance? How many patients died when they couldn't get this one started?
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Published 18 years ago
Uploaded by groezel
Dimensions 500 333
Category FSO - Polonez
Views 472
Comments 2