Fiat 600
Lvl 8
awesometastic 17 years ago
it is placed in the rear, that explains the weird shape, the "designers" just took an ordinary fiat600 and worked their way to the front to design this "taxi" for 6...
Lvl 5
PUSSY_ADMIRER 17 years ago
anybody knows where the engine is?
Lvl 8
bob_the_blob 18 years ago
something the italians don't have to be proud of...
i think...
it's funny, but not haha-funny...
Lvl 9
GhengisKahn 18 years ago
and the designers made it for 6midgets?
Lvl 3
jayfromdetroit 18 years ago
lol i was thinking that myself, Ghengis. at 6 feet tall and 285 lbs, there's no way in hell i could ride in comfort in that little car.
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Published 18 years ago
Uploaded by groezel
Dimensions 896 592
Category Fiat - 600
Views 482
Comments 5