Dacia 1300
Lvl 9
pulanescu 18 years ago
NICE !!!!! 10
Lvl 17
Psyche 18 years ago
you wouldn't want to see it now
he kinda thrashed it...this picture was taken last year....
Lvl 21
groezel 18 years ago
so then we'll call it either a dacia 12 or a renault 1300
depends on how the parts are spread through the car!
Lvl 17
Psyche 18 years ago
yes I do...check the pic u uploaded.....but it does have a ton of renault parts on it
Lvl 10
vega_edy 18 years ago
ehee Psyche looks like the truth came out :P now "groezel" the Demigod knows there's no RENAULT 12 plate on the back too bad that our friend is killing this car Psyche i hope you know what i'm talking about
Lvl 9
GhengisKahn 18 years ago
nice one!
Lvl 17
Psyche 18 years ago
it's the same one that vega uploaded
it's one of my friends' car
Lvl 6
ROMANUL 18 years ago
Classic, gotta love the GTi antenna, misto poza
Lvl 21
groezel 18 years ago
Lots of dacias 'round there!

but the white one out in front is also very nice!
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Published 18 years ago
Uploaded by Psyche
Dimensions 1024 768
Category Dacia - 1300
Views 477
Comments 9