Citroen SM
Lvl 21
groezel 16 years ago
Originally posted by awesometastic

just look at the length of that hood!
it's almost as long as that Ka in the back!

it's what's under the hood that counts: a three liter V6 engine by maserati!
Lvl 8
awesometastic 17 years ago
just look at the length of that hood!
it's almost as long as that Ka in the back!
Lvl 9
GhengisKahn 18 years ago
these cars are the wet dream of every french-car-lover in the world i think... least i'm one of 'em
Lvl 13
woodsworth 18 years ago
These are great cars

...and long ones as you can see
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Published 18 years ago
Uploaded by EdiOak
Dimensions 640 480
Category Citroen - SM
Views 683
Comments 4