Chevrolet S10
Lvl 12
JustPete 19 years ago
"Slammed" truck= short throw shifter...
Lvl 11
XBLAZIN420 20 years ago
Once again Focking sweet. The comment that most lifted trucks dont see dirt is too true where I live.Tons of Pimped out Escalades and Hummers sporting 20`s to 26 inch rims and dont even see a gravel driveway let alone dirt.
Slammed and bagged is the way to go.Minitruckin rules all.

Lvl 15
etangib77 20 years ago
jackin up a truck usally costs more then lowering why not lower turns more heads and chicks dig the lowered look and cows did the high look....
Lvl 11
packofqtips 20 years ago
minis kick ass and this one isnt just lowered its most likely bagged meanin he can lift it to drive it plus that nose isnt stock that was swapped on this truck is sick def deserves a 10
Lvl 12
nvscamaro88 21 years ago
ok who says u have to lift truck 90% of the truck that are liffted all to hell and fat ass tires on it and 2004's and shit will never see dirt and if u want your truck to look nice u will not be taking it off roading so y not slamm it. PS Ryan066 if lowwering it is a wast of money then lifting a truck it too because 90% of the lifted truck here in cali will never see dirt even tho they are all sky high and shit. its for show get over it, it's not a waste to us. (mini truckers) it takes something diffrent to float some ones boat.
Lvl 12
Ryan066 21 years ago
Bah ..

lowering is waste of money ...

Lvl 12
spunch 21 years ago
it's a bit low...
Lvl 12
Ziggy13 21 years ago
what the fucks wrong with you man...slammed trucks are awesome. how is that a car? you're a dumb ass
Lvl 22
JoeKenpo 21 years ago
If you want a CAR then buy a CAR, but don't ruin a truck so you can have a car!!
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Published 21 years ago
Uploaded by Scorps
Dimensions 640 480
Category Chevrolet - S10
Views 1223
Comments 9