Chevrolet Corvette
Lvl 27
Becker72 10 months ago
nice car and nice girl
Lvl 24
snoopy7666 18 years ago
Great All-American imagery...let's see the Taliban or Al Queda match THAT! Seriously, it really doesn't make much sense to wash a roadster with the top down, but she just looks so damn good doing it...(oh, yeah, an' th' babe does, too) .... ;o)
It's hard to imagine something automotive that is more AMERICAN than the Corvette...they should all come with an American Flag on them somewhere....even on the door sill or inside the glove box....just somewhere to show that this car is 100% A M E R I C A N .
Lvl 9
SWE_Beeraddict 18 years ago
women should wash cars more often...
Lvl 9
masondixoncowbo 19 years ago
there's a car in that pic?...J K....very nice. I really like mid '70's and older versions though.
Lvl 16
Big_ 19 years ago
Classic American body. The car is US also.
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Published 20 years ago
Uploaded by showoffzzzz
Dimensions 540 336
Category Chevrolet - Corvette
Views 1131
Comments 5