Chevrolet Camaro
Lvl 10
R6-Dave 19 years ago
That looks like a guy named Clints car from BC.Sold it though.Hmm
Lvl 10
SpeeDeaThrash 19 years ago
I like custom car mods, but yes, Camaro may be an F car at heart, even more so in the shared platforms of the 1980s, but it ain't no BIRD!!!
Lvl 8
cobrabullets 19 years ago
it's bad enough they filed this under the birds but they also dressed it up as an import ------------- thats gay -----& disrespectful
if your going to drive it -know it
Lvl 12
DownTownDaddy 20 years ago
Yet another Camaro filed under Firebird...
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Published 20 years ago
Uploaded by _Mickey
Dimensions 250 161
Category Chevrolet - Camaro
Views 974
Comments 4