BIG Trucks Volvo
Lvl 8
jarszoo 17 years ago
Sweet Volvo
Lvl 6
MrChance 18 years ago
nice Volvo! I guess we're pretty much bros since I have a Volvo S40. it looks alot like yours except mine is a car and mine is red. but those are small differences, we should see about pullin some hills beside eachother sometime...
Lvl 18
Tallen 18 years ago
Nice truck... anyhow it´s from sweden so why shoudent be nice...?
Lvl 10
imhungry 18 years ago
FAT, FAT, FAT, LOVE IT would swop that for my beloved mitsi any day now thats saying something!
Lvl 12
Lasr__ 20 years ago
I tried one of those in Norway, real comfy thing, but useless on other roads than the highway...
Lvl 19
Ascaris 20 years ago
Hehe, very cool Volvo.
Lvl 21
groezel 20 years ago
the colour
the colour
the f**king colour...
it's a Volvo!

Lvl 18
Wooderson 20 years ago
Nice Volvo
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Published 21 years ago
Uploaded by Hemi
Dimensions 575 435
Category BIG Trucks - Volvo
Views 1222
Comments 8